Phiên Bản: 0.18.0
Yêu cầu Jailbreak: Có
-Hide grass (Recommend)
Float search 0.000005
The third is changed to “1”.
-Antenna— single office effective
Handheld weapon modification in game
Ulong search 4542112772012578509
Change 4542112772088675328
Change the ending of “8”
-Antenna— single office effective
Handheld weapon modification in game
Ulong search 4542112772012578509
Change 4542112772088675328
Change the ending of “8”
Modifying the first data, walking with a gun, imperfect antenna
-Backpack antenna – single office effective
Float search 0.9378669858
11 prefix 68 suffix
999999 changed to effective.
Because round data changes floating refresh, so it is inaccurate code.
-Shoulder antenna – single office effective
Float search 0.9378669858
12 prefix A8 suffix is changed into
Because round data changes floating refresh, so it is also inaccurate code.
-Buttocks antenna – single office effective
Float search 0.82059580088
All changed to “11111”.
The data that the reference code searches out is complex 1C prefix, no matter finding 11, 12, 13 prefix tape and
-tationary standing antenna with gun
Float search -1.68741035461
Change 10000 (height)
Change the ending of “8”
-Head AOE hurt
Ulong search 474003860891002470
1, small area, high damage, high blow out rate, small range, suitable for sniping.
2, medium range, range of damage, rifle effect is very good.
3, wide range, low damage, wide range, recommended rifle.
Modify the first value, which is globally valid.
-Hunting and flying alone
In the game
Double search 1099511900928
Second changes
It usually needs three precision.
After finishing, you can’t squat down and then go down and squat.
Change 1099511900928
Return to normal
Team formation is not recommended. If you are knocked down, your teammates will not be able to save you.
It can attack vehicles, but can not attack players.
-quatting perspective single Bureau effective
In the game
search 1099511900928
Second changes
Change 5.072855353506943e+20
Generally accurate three times.
Look down on the ground
Change 1099511900928
Return to normal
-Instant opening
ULong search
You can attack enemies behind obstacles.
The first step
Ulong search 454211153506199726
Change 484812499999313100
Go to the training ground, arm long arms.
Remember data address
example : The address is 119CFEFA0
Second steps
Reset data
Sint search -1067758128
Change 119CFEFA* 1128792064
Please do not modify data at will.
-Ignoring armor is effective
Ulong search 471526881094742835
Change 471526881097534668
The first four changes will surely achieve the desired result.
Semi precision code, because the first four data will float up and down.
With a limited range of damage.
-Jeep acceleration
On the vehicle
Search 0.647058857
Change -999
Backward progress means successful modification.
-Goods Location
8x oscilloscope antenna Search [Float]:7.1689529418945
All changed to: 999
3 stage helmet antenna Search [Float]:7.1689529418945 is changed to: 999
3 stage antenna Search
All changed to: 999
-Body AOE hurt 「dangerous」
In the training Ulong 4742290408720039936
change number two
-Long head antenna
Float Search 7.131427
Modify the address that ends with 8
change 88888(length)
-Bullet hit instantly
In the game- Hold a gun
Change the ending of “60”
single office effective
M416: Float Search 88000
change 500000
AKM Float Search 71500
change 500000
Kar 98k Float Search 76000
change 500000
AWM Float Search 91000
change 500000
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